Fun on Creativebug
January Fun on Creativebug!
Start the New Year with a fresh perspective through mindful and cozy crafting. Explore the newest Creativebug classes designed to inspire you!
Using your library card and PIN, create your own account for FREE and nurture your creative side with 1000+ video classes in painting, knitting, crafting, sewing & more!
January 1 – Yoga of Yarn: A Daily Practice in Mindfulness and Making
As creators, our bodies are essential tools that deserve careful attention. Join Liza Laird, a knitter and yogi, as she explores beautiful ways to integrate body, mind, and spirit into artmaking. You don’t need a yoga practice or prior knowledge of knitting to benefit from this distinctive daily practice. While Liza demonstrates knitting up the Mala Cowl, a luscious two-color brioche stitch project from her book Yoga of Yarn, feel free to participate with any project of your choosing. Throughout the month, she shares mindfulness techniques and simple, adaptable movements that can be done right from your seat. Whether you’re interested in taking a spiritual journey with your craft or simply aiming to keep your body limber for extended art sessions, this class provides the tools for mindful making.
January 8 – Mending with Wool Felt
There’s no need to fret if you find a hole in your clothes. Mending with natural wool felt is not only practical but also decorative, fun, and possibly easier than you might think. Fiber artist and handwork teacher Melissa of Hex House Crowns demonstrates two ways to mend clothing with needle felting. First, mend directly onto the fabric, which is a good method for lighter, more delicate fabrics – Melissa demonstrates a sweet heart shape as well as a sun. Then, learn to needle felt a patch, which is best for thicker fabrics like canvas and denim. Melissa walks you through making a rainbow patch and a mushroom, and also how to use the blanket stitch to finish the edge of a patch and sew it to a garment. You’ll soon see that you have the freedom to create any shape or design that you want, and that you’ve learned a new way to repair your clothes to make them as unique as you.
January 15 – CB Mixtape: Eyes
CbMixtapes are playlists made of specific bits taken from different classes and grouped together by a common theme. It’s a fun way to learn how one topic is approached by a variety of artists with different techniques, all rounded up in one curated mixtape.
Eyes are, of course, “the windows to the soul,” and while we love portraiture, representing just an eye can be an efficient way to represent a person. These classes are taught by different artists and use a variety of media to draw, sketch, paint, and capture eyes.
January 22 – Tetra Pak Printing
Unlock the potential of everyday materials by transforming food packaging into printmaking plates that yield beautiful, accessible results. Courtney Cerruti, artist and Creativebug Editor-In-Chief, fell in love with this technique because it is similar to etching on metal plates but has a convenient twist—the materials you’ll use are recycled, readily available, and easy to work with. This approach encourages free and spontaneous exploration, without the worry of “ruining a plate.” In this class, learn how to upcycle a TetraPak into a printing plate, create abstract images from organic shapes, etch prints by drawing directly onto the surface, and cut away spaces that will print in black. This sustainable method offers a creative and attainable way to dive into printmaking.